
    Difference Between Weathering And Erosion

    In this blog we are going to tell you about Difference Between Weathering And Erosion, so read this blog carefully to get the complete information.

    Weathering is a long-term method, and Erosion is a short-term method; this is the major difference between weathering and erosion.

    Both weathering and erosion are geological methods. That indicates; that these processes happen in nature, on Earth’s crust. The breaking down or dissolving of rocks and minerals on the Earth’s surface is known as Weathering while Erosion is a process where earthen materials are washed away and transported by natural pressures like water or wind.

    What Is Weathering?

    The geological process of breaking down resources such as rocks and minerals due to contact with the atmosphere, water, or natural organisms is known as Weathering. The process contains the breakdown of rocks, soil, minerals, and other artificial materials on Earth’s cover. Unlike erosion, weathering is an in situ process; this means, there is no movement and it happens at the same place where the source lies.

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    Types of Weathering

    Weathering is classified into two types:-Chemical Weathering and Physical Or Mechanical Weathering. These methods may include biological elements as well; e.g., microbes.

    Due to direct contact with mechanical situations such as heat, water, ice, and pressure the breakdown of rocks and soil occurs in the Physical Weathering Method. Chemical weathering is generated by direct atmospheric chemicals or biological elements. Physical weathering mostly occurs in very cold or very dry regions. In contrast, chemical weathering arises in very wet and hot regions. After the fulfillment of a weathering process, the leftover portions combine with organic matter to make soil.

    What is Erosion?

    Erosion is a geological process that implicates the conveyance of geological sources from one place to another due to surface methods such as water flow. Unlike weathering, erosion implicates the activity of sources such as soil from one place to another, and redeposition to a new area. Reasons for erosion contain dynamic movements of erosive agents such as water, ice, snow, air, plants, animals, and people.

    Types of Erosion

    Erosion is classified into different types relying on the causative agent—for example, water erosion, wind erosion, snow erosion, zoogenic erosion, and anthropogenic erosion. The rate of biological erosion mostly depends on rainfall, bedrock wear in rivers, sea waves, etc. Generally, in steep landscapes the erosion rate is higher.

    Normally, erosion is known as a natural process, but sometimes it is unnatural or artificial; e.g. human activities. Artificial erosion is great in relation to natural erosion, and it signifies a greater effect as well.

    The main form of erosion is water erosion, which arises due to water runoff on the Earth’s crust. There are mainly four subparts of water erosion: splash erosion, sheet erosion, rill erosion, and gully erosion.

    Contrast Between Weathering and Erosion


    Erosion is specified as the removal of solids by wind, water, and ice.

    Weathering is described as the decomposition of rocks, soil, and minerals by explicit contact with the atmosphere.


    Erosion consists of different kinds like water, wind, ice, thermal and gravity erosion.

    Weathering is classified into physical, chemical, and biological weathering.


    No movement of sources happens in weathering but movement occurs in erosion,followed by redeposition at a new area.

    Time Taken

    The weathering is a long process, but comparatively erosion takes place in a shorter period.


    The displacement undergoes eroded materials. The weathered materials do not undertake displacement.


    Erosion is caused due to natural activities like wind, water, ice, and artificial activities.      

    Weathering is caused due to biological factors like air pressure.

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    Both weathering and erosion are geological procedures. This implies these procedures occur in nature on Earth’s crust. The actual difference between weathering and erosion is that weathering is a long-term procedure, but erosion is a short-term process.

    We Hope this blog is sufficient enough to provide the information about Difference Between Weathering And Erosion. Thanks for reading this blog.


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