
    Tips On Answering Insurance Company Questions After A Car Accident

    One of the worst and most complex things you have to deal with after a car accident is handling the insurance company and answering their tricky questions. Insurance companies do not care about your goodwill but their own. As long as they do not give you money, they get to keep it. Therefore, they will try their best to lower the settlement amount. 

    To achieve this, they may play a number of tricks and play with their words when speaking to you. You must be very careful when answering them because it is easy to twist words and make out an entirely different meaning. It is usually recommended not to speak to the insurance company alone, at least not without consulting an experienced auto accident lawyer in Wytheville

    Tips on answering the insurance company after a car accident. 

    1. Do not speak to them unless you speak to an attorney first. 

    The first thing you should do when the insurance company visits your place or calls you over the phone is telling them that you refuse to answer their questions without consulting your attorney. Do not be compelled to think that you cannot refuse them. The insurance company may seem like they want the best for you but are looking to trick you into saying something problematic. 

    Before you answer them, make sure you speak to an attorney in Wytheville first. It is best if your attorney is present in the room while you deal with them. 

    1. Do not say anything that indicates admission of guilt. 

    Admission of guilt does not always have to sound like, “Yes, the accident was caused because of my fault.” There are a number of ways the insurance company can twist your words. Do not say things like “I’m sorry” or “I should have been more careful”. Even though you might be saying these out of politeness, the insurance company will take it as an admission of guilt. 

    Speak to your attorney about the potential questions you might be asked and how you should answer them. 

    1. Do not make up your story or lie. 

    The last thing you want to do is make up a story and lie about the facts. When you lie in a legal case, chances are the truth will come out sooner or later. When the truth surfaces, you will lose credibility. It is best to stick to the facts. Even if you do not know the correct answer to a question, do not make guesses. Tell them you do not know and wish to proceed to the next question.


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